Nowadays, there are new
methodologies to learn at schools. But a lot of teachers and other people think
that traditional methodologies are still better than modern ones. What do you think
about it?
On the one hand, our teachers have
studied in a traditional way. Therefore, for them it is easier to teach what
they learnt. However, this way to study is very boring for students because
they only memorize and they forget what they learnt in a short period of time.
On the other hand, modern
methodologies are more useful and make students learn a lot. In addition they
develop their creativity and their imagination.
To conclude, we have to use the
resources that we have now. In my opinion, using new methodologies are better
because helps students to learn by playing, so for them studying is a new game
that they have to win.
Dear Fatima,
First, thank you for your last letter. It was
nice to hear from you. You asked me how things were going in college. Well, at
first it was very strange for me. Maybe because I have never been studying in
the evenings or maybe because doing most of the projects in a group it’s a new
thing for me. Well, it’s not bad, but
sometimes bellow students in my group have had on argument. I remember that it
was an uncomfortable situation.
By the way, guess what! I have passed all the
subjects of the first term. It will be difficult to pass this one. But you know
me, I will try hard.
Well, you know what? I’m very happy because we
will change the place where we are studying now. To be honest, hearing that was
great news for me.
Patri: It is said that the use of new
technologies stimulate children for learning lots of school skills like the
learning of a second language. But why? How? And when?
Me: It
is difficult to learn a new language, especially if you are an adult. The best
time to learn a language is when we are children. For that reason we have to
take advantage of that age.
Patri: There are lots of advantages
and disadvantages to traditional teaching. Among others, most of them are the
following ones.
Me: On
the one hand, learning a new language can bring us problems. For example, when
I enrolled to learn German I left it in the first year. The reason for this was
that every time I tried to speak English I used words of German. Finally I
decided to stop learning German and focus on English.
Me: On
the other hand, learning a new language makes you more competent. You don’t
need a translator or a dictionary. In addition, speaking a new language implies
understanding a lot of words of some languages of the same family. For example
if you learn Spanish you can understand a lot of words of French, Catalan,
Me: Nowadays,
new technologies can help us to learn more.
Patri: Firstly, teachers can help
their students in a more individualized way with the use of websites, blogs and
many other internet tools that stimulate learning. Fact that couldn't be
carried out with the traditional system because of the huge number of children
that a teacher had in class.
Patri: Moreover, the use of new
technologies develops students autonomy and encourages children to learn a second
language too. This happens because lots of websites appear in English and
children must learn English in order to understand the information. Besides,
the students have to compare lots of sources of information.
Me: In
conclusion, is obvious that it is important to learn a new language. It is also
obvious that all these have many benefits. But in my opinion, as we have said
before, we have to take advantage of the first ages to learn a lot of
languages, at least three or four.
Patri: Therefore, I think that new
technologies are a great tool to develop students learning because internet has
more information than books and then children can look at different sites to
find what they are searching for. But, on the other hand, students mustn't
forget that books contain a great treasure too.
Patri:My name is Patricia Pinar Roig and I'm 21 years old.
Zineb: What did you do in your life?
Patri:I finished secondary school and I've also done a vocational training course in sports.
Zineb:It’s nice to see how your life progress as little by little. In my case, whatever happens, I love it more and more.
Patri: But you aren't from here, isn't it?
Zineb:No, I'm from Morocco. In 1999 I came here, to Ibiza. I was seven years old. I am used to adopting everywhere I go. However I remember that all seemed so strange.
Now, in 2012 I remember how I did well at primary school and high school. I hope that this year will be the same. I’m talking about what I’m studying now: Infant Education. What about you?
Patri:Sport, music and animals, are my greatest passions. In fact, I have a dog and I take care of him as if he was my younger brother. I think this is so because I'm the younger of two sisters and I have always wanted to have a younger brother to take care of him and to teach him. Maybe this fact has made me study Education at University. Now, some subjects have made me realize that with new tecnologies children can be the players of their own learning.
Zineb:Yes! But, in fact, is very different from what I expected. But it doesn’t matter because if you like something and you make an effort to get it, you get it. Well... How do you see yourself in the future?
Patri: I really want to become a great teacher and as a future one, I want to adopt new methodologies and introduce new tecnologies to learn in a different way.And you? What do you expect?
Zineb:In the future I want to have a job where I had all my primary education: in Sant Josep de Sa Talaia. But that is something for the future. Now I have to work hard to become what I want to be, a good teacher.
Ja no queda res per acabar el primer semestre. Una vegada més passa el temps en un simple obrir i tancar d’ulls. He de confessar que de les cinc assignatures que tinc en aquest semestre, la que més m’ha marcat el camí com a futura mestra ha set la de Bases Didàctiques.
El fet de crear i tenir un portafoli electrònic, fer-lo meu, comentar i expressar tot el que anava aprenent i experimentant ha fet que passes per sensacions que mai les havia sentit. I la veritat que tampoc m’esperava sentir-les. Tot això, ha fet que comenci a introduir-me en el món de la docència, un món ple de responsabilitats. Un món del qual depèn la societat del futur.
I aquí he de fer memòria enrere i recordar com de petita desitjava ser mestra pel simple fet de poder pintar totes les vegades que volia a la pissarra. A hores d’ara tinc el mateix desig però amb una finalitat completament diferent: fer que la futura societat estigui ben formada de tot el que l’envolti, i, sobretot, sàpiguen actuar en qualsevol situació que se’l presenti.
Moltes vegades, aprenem coses i considerem que les hem entès completament mentre que si ens hi parem a pensar ens sorgeixen dubtes i és allí on el nostre cap esquematitza tot el que s’ha après. Això m’ha ajudat a aconseguir-ho totes les reflexions que fèiem en cada entrada dels diferents temes que hem tractat a classe. Per exemple, moltes vegades la professora ens explicava alguna cosa i jo aparentava comprendre-ho tot. Però una vegada tornava a casa i intentava fer la entrada setmanal m’apareixien una gran varietat de dubtes, davant dels quals havia de llegir a altres autors, llibres, buscar per internet i, sobretot, mirar els apunts del moodle de la nostra tutora, per a complementar i entendre-ho tot i, així acabar amb la entrada.
La meva concepció sobre la educació ha canviat totalment, com canviar el blanc a negre. La veritat que m’ha sorprès molt aquest aspecte, no m’ho esperava per a res del món. Per explicar més detalladament vull mostrar la evolució del nostre PLE, entre el primer que vam fer en començar les classes i el que hem fet ara fa uns pocs dies, acabant ja les classes. El resultat és el següent:
La tecnologia és molt útil en quasi tots el àmbits que ens envolten en l’actualitat. Un del quals és l’escolar que hi aporta un gran quantitat de fonts d’informació. No només això, també permet la creació i edició d’informcació, a més de poder compartir-la amb la resta del ciutadans, tant si es coneixen com no.
Tot això ha fet que un dels meus objectius en un futur, sigui el de fer que tots els meus alumnes estiguin “actualitzats” en la societat que els hi toqui viure, com estar preparats per al futur, entre els quals destaca la tecnologia. Vull que els meus alumnes utilitzin la tecnologia com a primera font en el seu l’aprenentatge però sense abusar d’ella. I ara he de confessar que en iniciar el curs, m’imaginava a mi mateixa com a professora amb un llibre en la mà, un guix i la pissarra davant meu per a fer anotacions importants. La veritat que no coneixia ningun altre mètode per a ensenyar, o més ben dit, pensaba que no existia cap altre mètode, que aquest era l’únic.
I aquí és on ha hagut un fort canvi en la meva visió sobre la educación. En principi, pensaba que la única manera en la que es pot fer classe és estar en una classe davant una professora i una pissarra, estar assegut en una cadira, mirant cap endavant, no parlar amb els companys per a no interrompre la classe i mai, però mai aixecar-se de la cadira (excepte per anar al bany, entre altres accions similars). Això era per a mi el món del estudi, el món presencial. Mentre que el món virtual tan sols era per a divertir-me i, sobretot per al temps lliure.
Recentment, ja no soc capaç de pensar el mateix. El meu cap ha abandonat idees que considerava absolutes. Ara sé que amb la teclonologia s’aprèn més del doble que del món presencial i que les possiblitats que t’ofereix ja no es considera el doble sinó inclús el quadrubple.
Per acabar, vull que els meus alumnes en aprendre sàpiguen el què aprenen, el perquè i sobretot el per a què. Vull fer les classes com més pràctiques millor, ja que com digué Franklin “parlem i ho oblido, ensenyem i ho recordo, involucrem i ho aprenc”. I per últim, esperc que tot això que he dit es compleixi en el futur i que no en arribar allí amb el pànic caigui en l’error de recòrrer al llibre, cosa que no vull fer per a res del món després de tot el que he après.
A continuació som les meves companyes i jo compartint les nostres opinions sobre tot el procés d’aprenentatge que hem experimentat durant aquest primer semestre.